Anti-Cellulite Treatments: What’s The Best Option For You?

cellulite treatment

Anti-Cellulite Treatments: What’s The Best Option For You?

Around 90% of women in the world will have cellulite at some point in their lives. So it’s not surprising that fighting against this condition is one of the biggest challenges in modern medicine. In this article, we’ll show you some of the best anti-cellulite treatments on offer at our clinic. 

But before diving into this topic, I think it’s necessary to dispel some myths about what exactly cellulite is.


What Exactly Is Cellulite?

The term is used incorrectly too often. We often refer to ‘cellulite’ as that orange-coloured skin that appears around some parts of our bodies. At other times, we think of ‘cellulite’ as the accumulation of fat in specific areas of our skin.

However, what cellulite actually is, is a skin infection which occurs in the subcutaneous tissue of our skin. As a result, the visible layers show the reaction we are all familiar with. Cellulite affects mainly the lower parts of our bodies. Sometimes, it may also appear in the arms but this is definitely less frequent.


Cellulite, Much More than an Aesthetic Problem

Cellulite has been traditionally considered a highly prevalent aesthetic problem. And it certainly is that. But it also has health consequences for those who suffer from it. 

From my professional experience as a physiotherapist, I have seen many patients coming to my clinic looking for anti-cellulite treatments from an purely aesthetic point of view.

However, there is much more to it. Cellulite increases sensitivity in those areas where it accumulates, and it can be very painful when I need to treat or manipulate those specific areas if they require physiotherapeutic treatment. 

For example: A patient comes to the clinic with a gluteal contracture, but she has cellulite in that part of her body. When it comes to manipulating that area to relieve her injury, the presence of cellulite makes the treatment more painful. And not only that, cellulite delays the natural drainage of the area. Edemas are likely to appear after manual therapy. 


Understanding Anti-Cellulite Treatments: Causes

I’m afraid the fight against cellulite is not an easy one. In fact, nobody knows exactly what causes it. Or let’s say there isn’t just one reason why cellulite appears. It can be genetic factors, nutritional disorders, vascular or even mechanical problems.

But there is some general consensus among experts about some of the most common causes:

  • Low fibre, high salt diets
  • Poor hydration
  • A sedentary lifestyle
  • Tobacco and alcohol consumption
  • Stress, anxiety and other emotional disorders
  • A lack of sleep
  • Tight clothes and high heels
  • Hormonal disorders

Some of the reasons in the list above have a genetic origin, and it’s quite difficult to fight against your genes. But most of them depend 100% on you. With a healthy lifestyle, cellulite can be fought effectively. 

If you don’t take care of yourself, your life may not be healthy and obesity can occur. This is why cellulite is often linked to weight problems. 


What Should Good Anti-Cellulite Treatments Include?


Regular Physical Activity 

We’re not reinventing the wheel here. Physical activity is always recommended as part of a healthy lifestyle, so it’s blindingly obvious to include it in our anti-cellulite plan. Are there any specific activities recommended by experts? Power walking, swimming or cycling are usually good ones.


Healthy Diet

Another classic recommendation when it comes to reducing fat. A healthy shopping cart not only helps fight cellulite, but is at the core of a healthy lifestyle. Include fruits, especially those with a lower glycemic index, vegetables and high quality protein products. 

Get rid of saturated fats and avoid fast-absorbing carbohydrates. Increase fibre in your diet. And, above all, drink water…as much as possible.


Healthy Mind & Body 

Mens sana in corpore sano is a famous Latin phrase that translates to “healthy body, healthy mind”. With the above tips, you’ll be taking care of your body, but you have to pay attention to your mind. You need to be mentally balanced: stay away from stress or anxiety. Tobacco and alcohol aren’t conducive to this either.


Understanding Anti-Cellulite Treatments: Types Of Cellulite

Although we commonly refer to cellulite as a single condition, the truth is that it takes many forms. There’s no common consensus on exactly how many, but I like to reduce it to three. 

Let’s have a look: 


Soft or Flaccid Cellulite

Typical of sedentary lifestyles, this usually affects patients with a tendency to gain and lose weight quickly and often. After 40, soft cellulite appears when hard cellulite has not been treated properly. 


Fibrous Cellulite

This commonly appears in young women who do regular physical activity. Surprising, right? 
This is compact and firm cellulite which does not change its position. 


Edematous Cellulite

A type of cellulite associated with the general increase in the volume of the lower extremities. Patients suffering from this type of cellulite usually comment they feel heavy in their lugs and that they have pain. This is the most severe type of all, although also the least common.


So…What Is The Best Anti-Cellulite Treatment?

Well, I’m really sorry to tell you that there is no single treatment that can be applied to all people. There’s not even one treatment that’s better than the others. So, we have to apply the principle of individuality to take the right approach. 

What does this mean exactly? First of all, we must understand what type of cellulite is affecting you and its origin. That’s key to planning the most effective anti-cellulite treatment for you. 

The good news is that we have the tools to fight against cellulite.  There are plenty of them on the market. You can use topical creams or drainage massages, which I would consider to be two good options. But, once again, not any cream nor any massage. We need to first investigate which one is most suitable for your case.

For me, and I recognise I’m not being absolutely objective here because this is a treatment available at my clinic, electro aesthetic treatments are best for fighting cellulite. Among these, radiofrequency is the one I trust most.


Here’s My Plan: Indiba CT9 + Wood Therapy + Lymphatic Drainage

At the Manual Therapy Clinic, we combine several techniques to get better results. Our  anti-cellulite plan consists of various radiofrequency sessions, combined with sessions of wood therapy and lymphatic drainage.

Fortunately, we have one of the best technologic solutions for this at our clinic. In fact, only two clinics have this in all of Scotland. Its name is Indiba CT9. Probably the most powerful radiofrequency machine in the world which is included in the Activ suite of products.

How does Indiba CT9 work? When applied to the skin, it increases the temperature of the superficial tissue. The adipose tissue breaks down. Then, we drain it with the help of lymphatic drainage and wood therapy.


How Many Sessions Are Needed?

It depends on the case, but, as a general rule, I would recommend between 4 and 5 sessions to complete the treatment. The sessions can be weekly or, if need be, even more frequent. Results can be seen from the very first day. 

In the two attached pictures, you can see the results of this treatment. This is a real patient before and after undertaking an anti-cellulite treatment which consisted of 5 sessions. 

The images speak for themselves!


Are You Interested in Anti-Cellulite Treatment? Contact Us Now! 

I’ve tried to condense and clarify as much information as possible into one single article. I hope I have achieved this and you enjoyed reading it. 

If you want more information about this topic or would like to find out which is the best anti-cellulite treatment for you, feel free to contact me through this website or our social media profiles on Instagram and Facebook.

We look forward to hearing from you! 

Thanks for reading! 

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