Sports Massage

If you participate in physical activities, sports massage might be a good option for you.

If you participate in physical activities, sports massage might be a good option for you.


This type of massage targets specific areas that may be injured or strained due to overtraining, stress, incorrect biomechanics, or a traumatic event like a fall or accident.


It’s particularly beneficial for athletes and people with soft tissue injuries. This type of massage can also improve muscle tension, reduce spasms, and improve flexibility and range of motion. 

If you have an upcoming sporting event, a pre-event massage can prepare your muscles for competition by increasing muscle tone and stimulating tissue and blood flow.


It can also improve your focus if you’re an athlete. After a competition, a post-event massage can help you release tension and enhance your recovery. 

Conditions that can be treated: 

Muscle tightness

Sports event preparation

Recovery of muscle, tendon & Ligament injuries

Injury prevention

Sport event recovery

Scar tissue