Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)

At the Manual Therapy Clinic, we are experts in manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) – a form of medical massage that promotes the removal of toxins, debris, and chemicals from the body 

What is it?


At the Manual Therapy Clinic, we are experts in manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) – a form of medical massage that promotes the removal of toxins, debris, and chemicals from the body. 


Lymph nodes are stimulated during the massage to absorb the fluid, enabling the clearance of harmful particles. This type of massage is particularly beneficial for reducing swelling and congestion caused by exercise, injuries, surgeries, and cancer treatments.

By utilising INDIBA®, we can further enhance the draining effects of MLD, speeding up the recovery process.

When do I need it?


If you’re feeling bloated or retaining fluids, experiencing limb swelling that affects your mobility due to daily activities or exercise, or have undergone a major procedure, injury, or cancer treatment, a lymphatic drainage massage could be just what you need to clear your tissues and start feeling better. 

Conditions that can be treated (manual and/or INDIBA):  

Tired Legs



Draining during the scarring phase